Our Activities
Economic Protocol

Tezos is an open-source platform for assets and applications that can evolve by upgrading itself. The core developers at Nomadic Labs are working on the Tezos amendments to propose new features to the Tezos community. At Nomadic Labs, we contribute to the evolution of Tezos through collaborative development and formal verification of amendments that improve consensus algorithms, smart contracts languages such as Michelson, and privacy components.

Octez is an implementation of a suite of Tezos-related software. Nomadic Labs is working on generic libraries used in the Octez codebase, such as ones for error handling, data encoding and concurrency. Our mission is to develop various tools which are not directly part of the node but which are useful both for users and developers, including continuous integration (CI), test tools and release management to give users access to Tezos. At Nomadic Labs, we are testing each release, maintaining them, and helping users and developers alike to build and use them through extensive technical documentation.

Cryptography Projects at Nomadic Labs focus on the design and implementation of new cryptography and its integration in the Tezos blockchain.
Useful links
Developer Portal :
https://tezos.com/developer-portalGitLab :
https://gitlab.com/tezosTechnical documentation :
https://tezos.gitlab.ioTezos Agora:
https://www.tezosagora.orgTezos Wiki :
https://wiki.tezosagora.orgOpenTezos :
TZIP explorer
Want to explore and discuss Tezos Improvement Proposals :