In this fifth series of ‘’Meanwhile at Nomadic Labs’’, we discuss recent achievements including some projects we have been working on.
December was a demanding month with a lot of ongoing development. Like we briefly mentioned last month, Arvid Jakobsson and Zaynah Dargaye worked on formally verifying the spending limit contract within the Cortez Wallet. We are proud announce that the contract has been formally verified and an updated version of Cortez has gone live on the android play store. This means you can already set spending limits in your Tezos wallet on Android (provided you are using Cortez). Stay tuned for a detailed blog post and an updated IOS version soon.
Mehdi Bouaziz, Alexandre Doussot and Hadrien Zerah, two of our research engineers and our adoption manager, attended L’école d’automne Blockchain’19, a 3-day blockchain course in Tunisia. During this event, Mehdi and Alexandre organized a Tezos workshop while Hadrien took part in the ‘’enterprise panel’’.
We sponsored a Tezos meetup in Barcelona on December 5th. Pietro Abate gave an introduction to Tezos and Marco Stronati presented some thoughts on Babylon and the way forward to Carthage.
Together with Cryptium Labs, we released a new and improved version of the Carthage protocol, which was successfully injected on December 11th. Additionally we launched Carthagenet, a dedicated test network, which passed quorum and is now up and running since December 12th. As usual, we encourage more people to join Carthagenet and come test with us!
The mainnet branch was updated to be in sync with the mainnet staging branch, offering a significant reduction of the size of the context, going from more than 220G to around 40G for archive nodes. More information can be found in our Agora post. The storage now uses Irmin2 together with Irmin-pack. These open source tools are developed by Tarides within the MirageOS project.
Guillaume Claret presented Coq of OCaml at the Jussieu campus, during the latest OCaml OUPS meetup on December 18th. Nomadic Labs sponsored the event.
On December 16th, we published A new reward formula for Carthage, an in-depth review of the new proposed reward formula for Carthage. Shortly after, we published Sapling integration in Tezos - Tech Preview which goes into more detail about Sapling, the importance of privacy preserving transactions and our plan to integrate this technology into Tezos on a smart contract basis.
2019 has been an awesome year for Nomadic Labs, Tezos and the entire ecosystem. For a recap you can have a look at the #Tezos2019 campaign on twitter. You can also check directly on our twitter profile for a recap of the most important Nomadic Labs related events in 2019. Simply keep an eye out for the #Tezos2019 hashtag. We wish everybody a Happy New Year.